Archives for June 2015

Spot A Lot – Vehicle Adventure | A Parragon Book Buddies review

When last month’s book from Parragon Books dropped through the door, I was excited to show Mushroom, knowing how much he loves to read Spot A Lot Animal Escape, which we received last October.

Spot A Lot Vehicle Adventure

When I opened the envelope to reveal the front cover to him, he immediately said, “It’s like the zoo book Mummy! Do I need to find a turtle..?” I suggested he look more closely at the cover… His face lit up. “It’s diggers [a crane, actually…]! And trucks! And cars! And aeroplanes…!” Yes, Mushroom.

Once he’d studied every picture on the front I suggested we take a look inside…

Spot A Lot Vehicle Adventure1

There was something to look for on every page, just like the previous book and just as with that one, Mushroom loved being the first to find the little dog!

I love these books as a great way to really engage Mushroom in the detail of the illustrations as well as for the gentle storylines … But as I said with Spot A Lot, it’s a little too exciting for bedtime for us! So they make for a great way to spend downtime on days when he could do with a nap (but won’t).

Do you ever spend time looking at books just for the illustrations..? Or do you always read the story..?

Disclosure: Mushroom and I are Parragon Book Buddies and receive a new book to read and review each month. All views are our own. Read my full PR and disclosure policy here.




Conversations with Mushroom #8: Getting married

Mushroom and his friend (let’s call him Pizza* because he likes pizza and I’ve stuck with the food theme for all of Mushroom’s friends so far) are playing upstairs. The come down, noisily. Both boys are ‘dressed up’ in clothes from the ‘he’ll grow into it’ box from his cousin. These clothes are for 10 year olds and Mushoom and his friend are four. Both boys are wearing jewelry – Mushroom has a Jamaica pendant on and Pizza is wearing one of my old nursing necklaces.

Me: Well, you two are all dressed up!

Mushroom: *proud* Yes, we are getting married!

Pizza: Yes, it’s a wedding.

Me: That’s exciting!

Mushroom: We have to go now.

Pizza: Yes, after the wedding it’s a birthday so we have to go to our party.

Me: A birthday..?

Mushroom: Yes, for the party Mummy…

*Pizza and Mushroom give each other the look*

Clearly, I have a lot to learn about weddings…! ๐Ÿ˜‰



Letting go with Lego

I keep reading articles lately about art therapy and seeing beautiful colouring books for adults. While I do love a stress-busting colouring in session with Mushroom, one of my favourite ways to unwind is playing with Lego*.

For Mushroom’s birthday back in March, he finally graduated from Duplo to Lego, receiving a box of Lego Juniors and a big yellow box. The Juniors box is mostly cars and construction, which Mushroom likes, but our favourite is the big yellow box as it has more variety of colours and you can let your imagination run away with you (well, Mushroom can. He’s the Master Builder in our house).

I’m not a Master Builder

I like to follow the instructions. I use my imagination in my writing and when building with Lego, Iย  find that focusing on the instructions, looking for the right pieces and putting them together really keeps my mind in the present moment and yes, I feel a sense of achievement with the finished product!

Mushroom, on the other hand, will often just start building and when I say “What are you making?” He’ll tell me “I don’t know yet.” We can sit together in relative silence for up to an hour, just creating.

Have you ever found yourself lost in the creative flow with Lego? We can’t be the only Mindful Master Builders around! ๐Ÿ˜‰

*Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post or a review. I was just thinking about meditation andย  mindfulness and Lego popped into my head! We do love it ๐Ÿ™‚