Another easy recipe (I don’t do complicated recipes so they’ll all be easy!) that also serves as sensory play for your little ones. It’s got touch, smell and taste – what’s not to love! You could even use this time to talk about colours and shapes, if you like (you don’t have to). The main purpose is to have fun!
You will need: Icing sugar, peppermint essence, strawberry flavouring, red food colouring and sparkles (optional! Mushroom insisted no these)
Oh, and an egg white. I forgot to take a photo of that. Find out how to separate eggs here.
And here’s how to make your sweets in pictures! Hover over the images for more info (and to find out what to do for the bits I didn’t get pictures of because of sticky hands!)
These sweets may be a bit sickly for adult tastes (unless you have a really sweet tooth!) and even Mushroom wouldn’t eat more than a couple but they are such good fun to make (it’s edible play dough as far as he’s concerned!). You could wrap them up in little muslin bags and add some little stars and give them to family as Christmas presents! It doesn’t matter if they don’t eat them – it’s the thought that they were made my your little chef that counts.
If you try these I’ve no doubt that you’ll make more spectacular looking ones than we did so please share your pictures either on twitter (remember tweet me so I can see!) or if you write a blog, do comment below. Happy (non) baking!
i bet Mushroom had lots of fun making those – as you say just like making and then playing wihth play dough x
Oh yes, he enjoyed the making much more than the eating I think!