Mushroom and I are talking about love and numbers one evening before bedtime.
Mushroom: I love you Mummy.
Me: I love you too. I love you so much.
Mushroom: How much? I love you to 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19!
Me: I love you much more than that.
Mushroom: How much? A really big number?
Me: Well, you can count forever, and we say ‘infinity’ to mean on and on and on…
Mushroom: Infinity? Like counting forever and ever and ever?
Me: Yes baby.
Mushroom: I’m not a baby!
Me: Ok. I know, you’re Mushroom. Mushroom, I love you infinity.
Mushroom: *smiles, excited* …and I love you to the other finity! The red one!
Me: …
Mushroom: What colour is your finity Mummy?
I love these little snapshots into their minds. It’s such privilege isn’t it? I remember my son saying something similar about numbers and colours. It’s so interesting how they picture the world. x
Isn’t it? And I sort of knew what he meant as well, which was even more interesting even though I’d never thought about it like that before (that I remember). My finity is green. 🙂
hehe, it’s really cute. I love the spontaneous creativity of thought 🙂
It certainly made me think differently! And I love that, too 🙂