Happy New Year everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. If you managed to get out New Year’s eve, I’d love to hear what you got up to.
Anyone making any New Year’s resolutions? I haven’t. I don’t believe in them myself but that’s probably because I’m rubbish at sticking to them! Instead, I tend to spring clean the house, think about what I’ve achieved (or not!) over the past year, and as well as thinking about what I want to do over the coming year, I try to also give some thought to how I want to be. I lose my way sometimes (don’t we all?) but I do try to behave in a way that fits with my values and if that helps me to achieve my ambitions too, that’s a bonus!
This year I’ve not done too badly. I’m back at work, I started this blog (yay me) and still managed (for the most part) to keep my original blog up to date. I’ve also started doing a bit of pro bono comms work for charity and I’m now also an elite blogger for babyhuddle! I have of course mothered Mushroom as well as I can too, but I assume you take that as read. Of course there are other more personal things (both good and bad) that have happened over the year but those are not for sharing here.
As for Mushroom, well, we all know how much babies change in a year! He’s a real little boy now – walking, talking (sort of. More on that later), tantruming (is that even a word?)… He’s also becoming more and more curious, cautious – and yet still adventurous in his way – funny (he’s a real comedian, must get it from his Dad) and sensitive at the moment. He has his frustrations but generally he’s a pretty easy-going child. He’s developing more and more of a personality and it’s lovely watching him grow.
Speaking of growth, this blog is now nine months old! Still a baby, not quite up on its feet yet but giving it a good go… As Mushroom is no longer a baby, I’ve decided to update the look of this blog a little (not too much, I don’t want to scare anyone away!) to reflect his growth. You’ll probably have noticed the change already if you’ve been here before! I hope you like it.
What have you been up to over the past year? Any achievements you’d like to share? Anything in particular you’ve noticed about how your kids have changed during this time (they change so much, don’t they?). Do comment below, I’d love to hear from you!